Friday, March 28, 2008

New camera

I've given up coffee - well, at least the hard stuff.
Hence no posts.
I have just got my hands on a pretty nice new camera, though. Thanks, Jessops - never been into your Traverse shop before but what a cornucopia of goodies.
Seen around Bury . . . please bear with me while I get used to the settings.

These posts will all soon be underground - they have a real beauty of their own though.

Texture always intrigues me. This one is in the Abbey Gardens. I was attacked by a low-flying duck for my art.

Wild flowers gone to seed.

Had a decent cuppa here in years gone by...shame. What sort of person will end up living here - and have all us tourists in their back garden?

Shrubs in the foreground - and the foothills of Bury in the background (ok, it's a cloud, but nice all the same to think we are in a hilly area)