...well ok, not in my house, but in my garage.
I moved in a while ago, and was initially upset to find they found my fishing bait far more attractive than any fish has ever done.
So I locked that away.
And put down a trap...
I was not happy at doing this, but I'm a farmer's boy and humane traps were never our thing. Even the dog had a mole-catching role.
Anyway, I have now come up against Mighty Mouse.
He/she is very clever.
I bait the trap. I wait. It gets dark - I sleep.
Mouse comes out. Mouse eats bait - without disturbing trap.
I have used cheese - he has gobbled it.
I have used chocolate. He has gobbled it.
I have used marine halibut Dynamite Baits paste (anglers will understand). He has gobbled it.
When I test the trap, it nearly takes my arm off.
Advice please - and bait tips welcome... it's becoming a scene from that great film Mousehunt and we know how that ends.
You need a cat, Mr Bean!
I've got squirrels, birds and now mice - hte last thing I need is another mouth to feed! Have you seen how much bird seed goes for on Bury market...and don't get me started on monkey nuts.
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