Friday, June 29, 2007

Early evening Bury

I love the way Bury smells . . .

And it smells differently whenever you walk through the town centre.

Wednesdays - market smells. Saturdays - McDonalds smells. Thursday nights - fresh.

Last night, I had a late espresso (double of course) at Nero and managed to grab a window seat. Is it me putting on weight, or are those brown chairs getting smaller? One too many cakes - I'd best take note.

The atmosphere in Nero changes in relation to the time of day. Grab an early coffee and everyone is rushing around like blue-aXXXed flies. Lunchtime is fight for a seat time. Evenings are mellow, though, and I love them.

Best bit is getting to look in the Quest window - I want one of those bird boxes with the natty roofs. I bought a smaller one out of there a few weeks back for just a fiver (what a bargain) but these are over the £10 mark. Not sure I can stretch to that.

Walking back to the car park, Sneezums has a sale on - lots of money-off deals. Might have to treat myself to a shiny Timberland watch (always fancied one of those). Bought a pair of Timberland boots back in the 90s when they were de rigeur but never been able to afford a decent watch.

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