Monday, July 23, 2007

Mamma mia!

Double espresso is £1.80 a cup in Cambridge's Grafton Centre - at Mamma Amalfi.

The service wasn't great - they ignored me at the self-service counter.

Then they didn't provide a bill - had to go to the till inside to try to pay them. They smarmily asked if I actually wanted to pay - I didn't but they took me by surprise and threw me somewhat.

Not great service, not a great coffee - not a place I'll be going back to.

And the atmosphere outside on the 'terrace' with the smell of Burger King mingling with the stench of popcorn from the Vue cinema was not what I wanted.

Wish I had stayed in the Costa queue or tried the new Starbucks on the trading estate in Newmarket Road...


Her indoors said...

Mr Bean, you've been blog-tagged for a meme, for 8 random facts about yourself. Can't include coffee though ;-D

BfpEditor said...

I love giraffes;

I hate rude people;

I hate sand getting stuck on sun suncream;

I love houmous and veg dips;

Ian Botham is my favourite cricketer;

Terry McDermott was my boyhood football hero;

I can juggle;

I am missing one big toenail due to a sporting injury.